Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday ...

No photos taken today. I have finished the blog based swap .... I think. Tomorrow I will make the final decision - and get it ready to post. Will also put together the stocking swap to post. I hope to go to the post office after dropping Anna-Kate off at the bus.

I have made me another head band and a star for the Christmas tree today.

We also have packed for Anna-Kate's camp - she is only going on Friday but she is packed already !

I am a bit nervous about getting my new car tomorrow. The chao from the garage is coming to pick us up (I hope he realises I have two children too!) then off to the garage to collect my new car. I was going to go straight there but my car has given up now so I can not drive her any more. Greg has just phoned to tell me to take the jump leads out of my car ! I still have a few things to get out of her - ie all my re-usable shopping bags and car seats !

Then after collecting the new car I need to go to Tesco to do the very late grocery shopping.

I still need to catch up with some of my unfinished quilt blocks.

I have remembered to buy some 2oz wadding for my next block from ebay and need to organise the fabric. Tomorrow I am going to get out my sewing machine to finish off the seminole block.
Wouldn't mind a new skirt either !

We will see what tomorrow brings.

HUGS all - chat soon.

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