Monday, December 15, 2008


I tidied up some of my crafting goodies first thing this morning - I found this embroidery which I need to get back to ... I bought a cheap rectangular canvas to stretch it over when I am finished.
This was inspired by fabric pictures created by a friend of mine ( Jeanette from - thank-you Jeanette.)
After that I started wrapping presents for my family - I have made most of them ... here are some examples.
Three simple beanies - I am trying to use up my yarn stash remember. I won't say who they are for so as not to spoil the surprise !

This is a long scarf - it actually matches the multi coloured beanie above.

Almost done wrapping the presents for family (I have to 'help' Father Christmas as he is soooo busy wrapping and organising the childrens' presents !) - just have to pause while I weave in some ends on the scarves.

All done now - phew took longer than I thought, forgot about weaving in the ends. And I had to make lunch too.
I managed to tack the triangles for the Dutchman's Puzzle. will start to put them together tomorrow.
This evening was a little more dramatic that I planned.. my son stood on the radiator in his room to 'help' me clean his window sill. He pulled the radiator off the wall. So picture mad woman trying to stop the stream of water spilling out of the pipe - yelling at my little ones to go next door and see if the neighbour is there - he wasn't - so I yelled to go opposite to get the man that lived there ... luckily our next door neighbour was opposite .... I was having a meltdown on the phone to hubby when neighbour appeared (very embarrassing - me in tears, water everywhere - house not untidy - but not spik and span like next door - blush !!!) Well an hour later water no longer leaking - but now have no heating. Luckily am borrowing a heater from my brother tomorrow - we will survive. Hubby returns from Africa on Thursday - he has already ordered a pump so we will be warm by the weekend I hope !
Anyway - I have done most of what I wanted to - and I am so proud of my little girl - while I was panicking upstairs she came downstairs and saw water pouring down the wall and turned off the electricity where she could see the sockets, and phoned hubby on the mobile - she turned off the land phone.
The kiddies are all warm in bed and I am watching tv .... may crochet another scarf we will see.
Chat soon. XXXX

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